On Friday 4th September, we held a Maker’s Morning from 9-11am, to celebrate Father’s Day with special guests, staff and students from Rooms 21 – 26.
There was a huge turnout, with lots of Dads, Grandpas, Pops and other VIP’s, coming along to participate in some hands-on projects. Students and their Dads/guests could choose their own adventure and decide where to spend their time, popping in and out of classes, or staying in one zone for a length of time. 115 students and almost 100 adults attended with some staying for 30 mins while others stayed for the whole morning. The Year 1-2 verandah was buzzing!
Each of the classes set up an outdoor project on the verandah and indoor hands-on projects in their classrooms.
On the verandah projects included planting flowers and succulents into old boots and gumboots, making towers using newspaper and masking tape, tinkering, painting portraits of Dad, kite making, and a marble run.
Indoor projects included stop-motion animation, board games, programming Bee Bots, Maker’s Space, looking at natural materials with an iScope, making Father’s Day cards, construction and loose parts, and using natural items and a hot glue gun to get creative.
We ended the very popular morning with a sausage sizzle for all. Even had a handy Grandpa on the tongs cooking sausages.
We all enjoyed an energised atmosphere, with highly engaged kids and Dads, lots of smiles and good feedback from attendees on the day. Building relationships and community.
A huge team effort with thanks to Emma Green, Lianne Jones, Ellie Macaulay, Sally Dix, Beth Foster, Rob Reynolds, Simon Mansfield, Yvette Pradera, Sarah Harvey, and Gemma Fradelos.
See Gallery for more photos