Vasse Primary School Update T2 Wk3


Dear Parents & Carers,

I want to thank you all for your support in what was one of the most unusual starts to a school term we have ever seen. Together, we have been able to make the best of this situation and ensure your child’s safety and continuity of learning.

Yesterday, the State Government announced changes to education based on a review of current arrangements and updated health advice.

As of Monday, 18 May 2020 all students are expected to attend school, except for those students medically referred to learn from home.

This means students are either:

  • at school;
  • have a medical referral to learn from home; or
  • recorded as absent if they do not attend.

If your child does not attend school without a medical reason, they will be marked as absent and will not be provided a learning program.

Over the last three weeks we have seen an average of around 90% of our students return to school, which has been fantastic. Current health advice states that schools remain safe for staff and students and should remain open.

Drop off and pick up arrangements that restrict parents and carers, and non-essential visitors, from entering school grounds will remain in place.
Kindy/Pre Primary drop off and pick up locations will continue to occur.

Whole school assemblies, camps and interschool activities will still not be permitted.

Teachers will be required to report to parents with information about students’ learning progress to date in Semester 1 but they will not be required to assign an A-E grade.

The extra cleaning and hygiene practices implemented at the start of Term 2 will continue.Vasse Primary School Update T2 Wk3 1

As of Monday if your child is at Kiss n Drop after school they will receive a number. Please display this on your dashboard and attach the smaller number to your child’s bags. Children from the same family will obviously have the same number. Instructions are on the back of the laminated sheet.

The State Government will continue to make decisions based on the best health advice.

Thank you for your continued support as we move forward.


Sinan Kerimofski PRINCIPAL 
Vasse Primary School
17 Kaloorup Road, Vasse WA 6280                                                                   

p (08) 9746 3700