Hi Parents / Guardians,
What a relief it is to have students back into the school. I think those that have returned have thoroughly enjoyed connecting with some of their friends again. We have averaged around 70% attendance this week.
My updates, in this form will only occur once a week on a Friday.
I would like to sincerely thank all families for your support. All staff have felt respected and valued by our community. I would sincerely thank all the staff of Vasse Primary School for their commitment towards the school. I could not have expected any more unwavering support and understanding from them as a leader of the school.
My message to all of the staff on Tuesday was that we can return with a strong level of confidence however to remain cautious. I stressed the importance of school hygiene, adults physical distancing and limiting adults on the school site. I would like to thank all parents for following this expectation.
Below is a breakdown of the key details you need to know for Vasse Primary School for Term 2.
Today’s update is as follows;
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Schools will be open for all parents and carers who choose to send their children.
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Staff are teaching the students face to face using the online content. This means that students learning at home and at school are all covering the same content.
Students at school are attending their specialist classes such as Music, PE, Indonesian, Art and Dance. Some staff are continuing to post videos i.e. Mrs Pollards dance videos and the Podcast from Mr G and Mr Dehring.
Students learning from home: Week 2 work packs can be collected on Monday morning from 8.45am – 9.30am in the Kiss n Drop zone.
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This information comes from Department of Education in conjunction with Department of Health and comprehensive review of all available factual information. Each decision we make is based on analysis of all of this information, consultation with experts, and coordination with local and state agencies.
This page was last updated and is current as at Friday 1st May 2020 and will be updated regularly
Our cleaning will be increased throughout the day, including high touch surfaces and playground equipment.
Unfortunately, you’ll need to keep your distance, parents are not allowed to enter the school’s grounds *. Older students are encouraged to walk their younger brothers and sisters to class. You should clearly discuss where you will meet your child at the end of the school day – make sure you are on time as children become anxious when you are late – school finishes at 3.05 pm (3pm for K/PP).
* K/PP parents can drop their children at the gates entering the K/PP area.For K/PP if your child is in Rooms 16 & 17 please drop and collect your child from the gate on the netball courts: Rooms 12 &14 the steps out to the oval; Rooms 15 & 18 the pathway heading out to Heritage Drive. Please remember to social distance and leave as soon as you can. Please refrain from entering the classrooms.
Daycare companies have also been notified of these drop-off/pick up arrangements.
Limited Activities
The following activities remain suspended until further notice:
- School Assemblies
- Excursions
- Incursions
- Breakfast Club
- Interschool Sport
- Most of the school play equipment will be open and cleaned (ship will be closed)
- Mentoring program
- NDIS Therapy
VPS Canteen will do lunch orders only, no recess.
We will separate in year levels to eat our lunch;
Year 1’s on their veranda
Year 2’s on the stage
Year 3’s outside their classes
Year 4’s in the undercovered area
Years 5/6 outside their classrooms.
There will be a review of these arrangements in the lead up to Week 4 (18th May) and any adjustments will be made based on health advice and infection trends across the community.
If you have any questions concerning general matters at the school. For example, attendance or access to work packs, please call the school on 9746 3700 or use the school’s email address – [email protected]
Thank you again for your ongoing support.
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need further clarification.
All other information as per previous advisories.
Sinan Kerimofski PRINCIPAL
Vasse Primary School
a 17 Kaloorup Road, Vasse WA 6280
p (08) 9746 3700