A collaborative approach is used by the Year 1 and 2 VPS staff through team planning and the integration of whole-school programs. This ensures that every student receives and participates in a consistent learning program that caters for the range of needs. Whole-school programs include Promoting Literacy Development (PLD) and Maths Trek. MiniLit is an evidence-based early intervention program that targets Literacy skills. The program has been implemented in Year 1 and 2 for selected students.  

In an effort to explore different pedagogies and programs with the aim of improving student engagement at school, teachers in Year 1 and 2 have adopted the Walker Learning Approach in their classrooms. Learning experiences based on student interests are provided through investigative play-based learning, balanced with explicit instruction. This contributes to the school’s focus on enhancing Learning Environments, one of the three priority areas in the VPS Business Plan 2022 – 2025. The priority area will be further explored as our experienced and innovative team continue in their commitment to improving student engagement and outcomes in the early years of schooling.

Student social and emotional wellbeing is a priority for VPS.  The school implements whole school social and emotional programs in emotional intelligence and healthy relationships.  Emotional Intelligence is taught using Yale University’s RULER program.  URStrong’s Friendology is a key feature of all classroom programs and promotes a common friendship language across the school.

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