Our Public School Review
All Western Australian public schools are reviewed by the Department of Education’s Public School Accountability directorate. A review gives assurance to the local community, the Minister for Education and Training, and the Director General about the performance of public schools in delivering high-quality education to students. The review acknowledges the achievements of the school and gives feedback to support the Principal and staff with their improvement planning.
Initially conducted on a three-year cycle, subsequent reviews are determined to occur on a one, three or five-year timeframe.
The Principal provides the review team with a self-assessment of the school’s performance based on evidence from the school. Information to be validated by the review team is considered before and during the school visit. This forms the basis for the Public School Review report and determines when the next review will occur. The report is provided to the Principal and the Regional Director of Education.
Expectations of schools
The Statement of Expectation makes clear and public the expectations and responsibilities of schools and the Department of Education in student achievement and progress.
The Statement is between; the Department, represented by the Director General; the school, represented by the Principal; and is noted by the school council/board, represented by the Chair
The Statement sets out the expectations of Principals concerning the delivery of the 2020-2024 strategic directions. Every student, every classroom, every day, and Building on Strength.
The Statement will underpin each school’s strategic planning and self-assessment and will form part of the school’s Public School Review. It will also support the Principal Professional Review.
Public School Review – The Standard
A Standard has been developed across the domains of the School Improvement and Accountability Framework to describe essential indicators of performance. The selection of the indicators is based on literature research and historical reviews of school performance in WA public schools.
The purpose is to better ensure that judgements about student performance are standardised and objective. Indicators describe what is evident in schools functioning ‘as expected’ within each domain.
The Standard defines the expected level of school performance. Judgements are made in relation to the Standard. External validation is also based on evidence presented relating to the Standard.
For further information or resources in alternative formats for people with accessibility needs, please contact PublicSchoolAccountability.PublicSchoolReview@education.wa.edu.au
Download the full Public School Review report here.