7 events found.
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Week of Events
Easter Raffle Draw
Vasse PS P&C Assoc Inc - Fundraiser event - loads of prizes. Funds raised go to the Early Childhood Program at Vasse PS.
Free Dress Thursday Fundraiser
Yay! It is the last day of school for Term 1, so lets FREE DRESS today. Don't forget your gold coin donation to help raise funds for the 2025 Yr 6 Camp! Thank you. Your support is much appreciated.
Year 6 Interschool Summer Carnival
Year 6 Interschool Summer Carnival
The Summer Carnival is part of the Physical Education regional Interschool Carnival program. They will experience joining in a community sporting event using the knowledge and movement skills of their [...]
School Board Meeting
Last Day of Term 1
The Principal’s High Tea
The Principal’s High Tea
One lucky student from each Pre-Primary class through to Year 6, will be selected by their teacher to attend the Principal's 'Special Icecream' High Tea today. These students consistently display [...]