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Pre-Primary Revegetation Planting Incursion

Vasse Pre-Primary Teachers have organised a tree planting workshop on the boundary of the school grounds on Tuesday June 14th (15th if inclement weather). This engaging, hands-on experience will support the Semester One Biological, and Earth and Space, Science topics. It will also add personal connection to our Cross-Curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait [...]

Interschool Winter Carnival – CANCELLED

* Update: Unfortunately, due to tomorrow’s severe weather forecast, the decision has been made by all schools to cancel the Winter Carnival. We understand that the students are disappointed, but safety is always our first priority. The year 6’s will now do indoor fitness-based rotations from recess until lunch. Please make sure your child wears [...]

500 Faction Points Reward: Koomal and Bardinar

Congratulations on reaching 500 super-slip faction points! REWARD: DISCO IN THE HIVE Come and join the faction captains and student councillors for a boogie at recess or lunch in The Hive. Prizes will be awarded for the best dancers! Recess time: Years 1 - 3 Lunch time: Years 4 – 6  

P&C Meeting tonight

You are invited to join the P&C on Thursday 23 June at Tonic by the Bay (formerly Stilts on Holgate Road, Broadwater) from 5:30pm for a casual meet-up and dinner [...]

Incursion: Book Week Dress Up Parade

Parents you are welcome to join us at Vasse PS on Friday 24 June when we celebrate 2022 CBCA Book Week in our annual Book Week Dress Up Parade! Students [...]

Vasse in Verse Poetry Cup 2022

Hear Ye', Hear Ye'! Are ye' a Poet and ye' know it? One student from each year will compete in the final showdown, at the Vasse in Verse virtual assembly at 10am (after the Book Week Dress Up Parade). Parents are welcome to come along or link in online. There will be one student selected [...]