Waterslide Week begins
Dear Parents/Guardians As part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program, all students will participate in the Waterslide ‘Fun’ event to complete the year. Please Note: Classes are moving today [...]
Dear Parents/Guardians As part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program, all students will participate in the Waterslide ‘Fun’ event to complete the year. Please Note: Classes are moving today [...]
Professional Development Day for Staff only.
We will be holding a Parent Information Morning on Wednesday 7th February. Each class teacher will share information that is important to the school and to their classroom. The timetable [...]
The following note and forms will be sent home with your child on Wednesday 31st February 2024. Please complete swimming and medical form and return to your Classroom teacher by Friday 2 February 2024. In-Term swimming lessons continue to be part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program in 2023. Our Year 3, 4, 5 [...]
No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C is an opportunity to help not only your child, but all the children of Vasse PS. [...]