VPS Year 6 Parent Night at Cape Naturaliste College (CNC)
Cape Naturaliste College Parent Tour and Info Evening for Year 6 Vasse PS Parents who are considering enrolment with the College participate in a tour of the school grounds and [...]
Cape Naturaliste College Parent Tour and Info Evening for Year 6 Vasse PS Parents who are considering enrolment with the College participate in a tour of the school grounds and [...]
The Vasse Primary School P&C Association Inc. is excited to be running our 2nd Colour Run Fundraiser for our Kindy Group A students after lunch on Monday 8th May 2023. Please go to https://www.trybooking.com/CGOJN and complete the CONSENT FORM and pay for your child to participate by Friday 5 May 2023. Cost to participate: $10 [...]
Please join us for the P&C meeting in the Vasse PS Staffroom at 6pm. All Welcome. Please register your attendance with Alana via email to [email protected]. The more the merrier! We look forward to seeing you there. See more on membership https://www.vasseps.wa.edu.au/latest-pc/
The Vasse Primary School P&C Association Inc. is excited to be running our 2nd Colour Run Fundraiser for our students after lunch on Friday 12th May 2023. Cost to participate: $10 per child. This includes a raffle ticket and an icy pole. You can also fundraise for more chances to win. Please go to https://www.trybooking.com/CGOJN [...]
Our next Vasse Fathering Project (VFP) Dad's only event is coming up this Friday 12 May 6.00pm. We are now going to have a catch up with the team from [...]
We will be holding a Senior Assembly in the Hive (under cover area). Room 29 and Room 31 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
Jayden is a proud Wadjak, Ballardong Noongar, and Badimaya Yamatji man with strong family ties throughout the Southwest of WA. A traditional Noongar dancer, qualified LOTE Noongar language teacher, didgeridoo player, and tool maker, Jayden is passionate about celebrating culture and sharing his knowledge with others. Join Jayden Boundry for an engaging introduction to the [...]
Please join us in a walk through the Vasse Primary School Wicked Patch Kitchen Garden to see all the wonderful life skills our students are learning in our Sustainability Program. Chat with our Garden Coordinator, Emma, and Lisa, our Kitchen Facilitator, about our kitchen garden program. Community Volunteers - If you or anyone you know [...]