Excursion: Rm 3 – CNC Year 6 Transition Day
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
P&C Meeting
Please join us for the first P&C meeting of the Term 3 in the Vasse PS Staffroom at 7pm. All Welcome. Please register your attendance with Alana via email to pnc.secretary@vasseps.wa.edu.au. The more the merrier! We look forward to seeing you there. See what membership entails https://www.vasseps.wa.edu.au/latest-pc/
Excursion: Rm 4 – CNC Year 6 Transition Day
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
Excursion: Rm 1 – CNC Year 6 Transition Day
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
P&C Hawaiian Disco – Aloha Year 2’s
Attention Year 2 students!! Year 2 Disco Please book tickets by 6pm on 4th August. $13 per ticket. Online bookings only. https://www.trybooking.com/CBIKY
P&C Hawaiian Disco – Aloha Year 4’s
Attention Year 4 students!! Year 4 Disco!! Please book your tickets before 6pm on the 4th August. Online booking only. Tickets $13 per student https://www.trybooking.com/CBGZF