500 Faction Points Reward: Djidong and Kwooyar
Congratulations on reaching 500 super-slip faction points! REWARD: DISCO IN THE HIVE Come and join the faction captains and student councillors for a boogie at recess or lunch in The [...]
Congratulations on reaching 500 super-slip faction points! REWARD: DISCO IN THE HIVE Come and join the faction captains and student councillors for a boogie at recess or lunch in The [...]
Today is the Year 5/6 Assembly which will be held in the Hive and will start at 8:50am. Parents are welcome to attend. We will also live stream for those [...]
Vasse Pre-Primary Teachers have organised a tree planting workshop on the boundary of the school grounds on Tuesday June 14th (15th if inclement weather). This engaging, hands-on experience will support the Semester One Biological, and Earth and Space, Science topics. It will also add personal connection to our Cross-Curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait [...]
* Update: Unfortunately, due to tomorrow’s severe weather forecast, the decision has been made by all schools to cancel the Winter Carnival. We understand that the students are disappointed, but [...]
Congratulations on reaching 500 super-slip faction points! REWARD: DISCO IN THE HIVE Come and join the faction captains and student councillors for a boogie at recess or lunch in The Hive. Prizes will be awarded for the best dancers! Recess time: Years 1 - 3 Lunch time: Years 4 – 6
Last year we started a tradition of Student Leaders meeting with the City of Busselton (COB) Mayor for lunch at the City Buildings. They will also have a tour of [...]
You are invited to join the P&C on Thursday 23 June at Tonic by the Bay (formerly Stilts on Holgate Road, Broadwater) from 5:30pm for a casual meet-up and dinner before the meeting at 6:30pm. Come along to what promises to be a fun night discussing future plans and direction of the school social events [...]