Excursion: Rm 4 – CNC Year 6 Transition Day
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
Attention Year 2 students!! Year 2 Disco 💃🏻🪩🕺🏻 Please book tickets by 6pm on 4th August. $13 per ticket. Online bookings only. https://www.trybooking.com/CBIKY
Attention Year 4 students!! Year 4 Disco!! Please book your tickets before 6pm on the 4th August. 🪩💃🏻🕺🏻 Online booking only. Tickets $13 per student https://www.trybooking.com/CBGZF
Please wear your best Assembly uniform (black & white polo shirt/black shorts) and bring your Best smiles :) 8am - 8:45am Family Portraits Surname begins with A - L in [...]
Please wear your best Assembly uniform (black & white polo shirt/black shorts) and bring your Best smiles :) 8am - 8:45am Family Portraits Surname begins with M - Z in [...]
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
Please wear your Assembly uniform (black & white polo shirt/black shorts) and bring your Best smiles :) 8am - 8:45am Family Portraits Last chance if you missed the previous two sessions in the Hive (Undercover Area). Please hand your completed Family Photo order form (collect from admin office) to the Photographer on the day, preferably [...]