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Excursion: Year 6 Bike Ride Program

Year 6 students will ride from Vasse Primary School to the Busselton Jetty. This is part of our Bike Education Program in preparation for the Year 6 camp. Students are required to bring a bike and helmet and a water bottle.

Sports Carnival Week: Cross Country

Competing students are reminded to wear their Faction Polos, running shoes (must be worn during race) and Hats (removed for their race only). Parents are welcome to come and watch. [...]

Postponed: Yr 2, 3, 6 Jumps & Throws

Due to the inclement weather forecast for today, Tuesday’s Sports Carnival events (Year 3, Year 2 and Year 6 - Jumps and Throws) will be postponed until Thursday 21 October. Sorry for the late notice. Tuesday will now be a stay dry and rest day. Yay.  

Yr 4-6 Vasse Spelling Bee Competition

Years 4 - 6 Students are encouraged to enter the Vasse PS Spelling Bee competition being held at lunchtime in The Hive. Our best two students will represent Vasse PS at the Annual Inter School Spelling Bee Competition which will be held at West Busselton PS on Wednesday 27 October. Good luck Super Spellers!  

Fundraiser: Crazy Camel Orders close

Orders close Monday 25th October for the Student Art Calendars and Diaries. Thank you to everyone who has placed their orders, supporting our Vasse PS P&C Fundraiser.

Indonesian Incursion Yrs 3-6 : Wayang Kulit

We have an Indonesian incursion presented by Tom and Sofari. The Wayang Kulit is a puppetry performance using traditional hand carved shadow puppets from Java, Indonesia! The Indonesian words wayang (shadow or ghost) and kulit (leather or skin) define the two-dimensional puppets that are flat, translucent figures cut out from leather and projected against a [...]