ANZAC Day Ceremonies – Busselton RSL Sub branch Service
0545 Dawn Service at the Cenotaph, Victoria Square, 0630 Gunfire Breakfast at Busselton RSL Hall, 10 Rosemary Drive. 0845 Assemble on Queen Street/ Marine Tce with step off at 0900 to Cenotaph, Victoria Square. Vasse PS Students (dressed in Black/White Polo School Uniform) are welcome to join our Student Councillors walking in the street parade. [...]
Student FREE Day – School Development Day
Professional Development Day for Staff only.
ANZAC Virtual Assembly
Special Whole School ANZAC Virtual Assembly Today we will be hosting our online ANZAC virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams. Instructions to link in from home To link in use the ‘join the meeting’ link below – Using your computer - you will not need to download Microsoft Teams. Select the 2nd option "Click to view [...]
Vasse PS P&C Annual General Meeting – All welcome
Please join us for the Vasse PS P&C Annual General Meeting @ 7pm in the Staffroom. New Members urgently needed. Everyone welcome. Please email Lee-Anne on [email protected] if you would like to attend. No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C is an opportunity to help not only your [...]
Kindy 2023 Applications Open
We will be accepting 2023 Kindergarten Applications from Monday 2 May 2022. We have a limited number of spaces available. Applications closing date 29 July 2022. For more information and to download the Application eForm please go to Enrolment Requirements
Virtual Assembly T2 Wk 2 – Yr 6 Merit Certificates
Today we will be hosting our online virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams. This week will be Year 6 Merit Awards. Instructions to link in from home To link in use the ‘join the meeting’ link below – If you use your computer browser you will not need to download Microsoft Teams. If you choose to [...]
Assembly (T2 Wk 3) PP – Yr 2 Merit Certificates
Today we be our first face-to-face group assembly this term in the Hive. Parents are welcome to attend. This week Merit Award recipients will be from PP - Yr 2. We will also live stream for those who chose to link in from home. To link in use the ‘join the meeting’ link below – [...]
2022 Cookie Dough Fundraiser starts today
Billy G's Cookie Dough Fundraiser Starts today! Please help us raise funds for the 2023 Year 6 Camp. Secure, 100% online cashless fundraiser! The sold tubs will be delivered to the school and distributed to students mid-late July. Prize incentives for selling! Every child/family at Vasse Primary can create their own selling link, individual prizes [...]