Assembly – Junior (PP-Yr 2)
We will be holding a Junior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Room 25 and Room 26 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
We will be holding a Junior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Room 25 and Room 26 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
This excursion will enable students to learn about native animals and their habitats. Cost per student is: $18.20 Please pay via direct credit by Mon 30 Oct to allow for processing time. Acct: Vasse Primary School • BSB: 633-000 • Acct No. 182 526 996 • Ref: Student Surname - Initial (very important) [...]
Rms 21, 23, 25, 26 will learn about the deep connection the Wadandi people have to the Cape to Cape region. Our Kaya tour begins with a ‘Welcome to Country’. [...]
Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green [...]
We will be holding a Senior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Rooms 1, 2, 3 & 4 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green [...]
Vasse Fathering Project invites Dads (and father figures) to come and enjoy an evening at the Vasse Community Bowls Green. Enjoy a couple of drinks and a laugh with fellow Dads from the Vasse Primary. The Event starts at 6 pm and goes until 9 pm under lights. We will also have Ian cook us [...]
The Vasse Kindy Transition Program will be conducted over 2 days and will provide an opportunity for you and your child to experience Kindergarten, and meet our teachers and support staff, ensuring a smooth transition into Kindy at Vasse PS in 2024. Session 1: Rooms 16A & 17A for 2024 Kindy 9 - 9:30 am [...]
The end-of-year meeting and celebration date to be confirmed - Watch this space. The more the merrier! We look forward to seeing you there. See more on membership