Excursion: Yr 5 Bunbury Wildlife Excursion
This excursion will enable students to learn about native animals and their habitats. Cost per student is: $18.20 Please pay via direct credit by Mon 30 Oct to allow for [...]
This excursion will enable students to learn about native animals and their habitats. Cost per student is: $18.20 Please pay via direct credit by Mon 30 Oct to allow for [...]
Rms 21, 23, 25, 26 will learn about the deep connection the Wadandi people have to the Cape to Cape region. Our Kaya tour begins with a ‘Welcome to Country’. [...]
Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green [...]
We will be holding a Senior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Rooms 1, 2, 3 & 4 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green library bag An information booklet for parents / caregivers about books and reading.
Vasse Fathering Project invites Dads (and father figures) to come and enjoy an evening at the Vasse Community Bowls Green. Enjoy a couple of drinks and a laugh with fellow Dads from the Vasse Primary. The Event starts at 6 pm and goes until 9 pm under lights. We will also have Ian cook us [...]
The Vasse Kindy Transition Program will be conducted over 2 days and will provide an opportunity for you and your child to experience Kindergarten, and meet our teachers and support staff, ensuring a smooth transition into Kindy at Vasse PS in 2024. Session 1: Rooms 16A & 17A for 2024 Kindy 9 - 9:30 am [...]
The end-of-year meeting and celebration date to be confirmed - Watch this space. The more the merrier! We look forward to seeing you there. See more on membership https://www.vasseps.wa.edu.au/latest-pc/
Parents and students are encouraged to participate in our once-a-term Walk or Ride to School Day’ proudly initiated by the City of Busselton (COB) in 2019. A school staff member will lead the walking groups to school. Supervised Walking bus Group 1 – Departs 8 am from the Park at the end of Harbeck Dr, [...]