2025 Student Councillor Election – Speeches and Voting
Year 6 students will speak to the senior school students in their campaign to become 1 of 4 Student Councillors in 2025. Parents/Carers are welcome to attend the speeches in [...]
Faction Captain Elections – Speeches and Voting
Year 6 students will speak to senior students in their faction team (Djidong, Koomal, Bardinar, Kwooyar) in their campaign to become their team's Faction Captain in 2025.
Student FREE Day – School Development Day
Professional Development Day for Staff only.
Nit Week starts today.
Week 5 of every term is Nit Week. Parents and carers, please check your child’s hair for Nits (head lice) and treat them during week 5. See https://www.vasseps.wa.edu.au/community/p-c/nit-week/ for more [...]
Nit Week FREE Icypole Reward Day
The Parents/Carers who have completed the online Nit Note form for their child will receive a token from their teacher this morning. During the lunch break, students can swap their [...]
NAPLAN Testing Begins
Years 3 and 5 students will sit NAPLAN tests from 12-24 March. They will be required to sit four (4) tests. NAPLAN tests are a good way for schools to [...]
Harmony Day
How will we celebrate Harmony Day this year...watch this space
Year 6 Interschool Summer Carnival
The Summer Carnival is part of the Physical Education regional Interschool Carnival program. They will experience joining in a community sporting event using the knowledge and movement skills of their chosen games. Vasse PS Year 6 Students will be competing in: Volleyball – Busselton Beachfront Tee-Ball – Lou Weston Oval Basketball – Lou Weston Oval [...]