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Walk or Ride To School Day

Parents and students are encouraged to participate in Term 1 supervised ‘Walk or Ride to School Day’ proudly initiated by the City of Busselton (COB). School staff will lead and supervise the walking groups to school. Supervised Walking bus Group 1 – Departs 8am from the Park at the end of Harbeck Dr, Kealy. Supervised [...]

Interschool Winter Carnival

As part of the Physical Education program the Year 6 Winter Carnival is held on Friday 16 June 2023. Students will participate in a sport of their choice. Students will assemble at school and depart for their venue at 9am. Uniform: VPS Black & White Polo, Hat, appropriate footwear for the sport Students will need [...]

Incursion: Majeda Beatty – Murri Island Girl

We are so lucky to have this excellent incursion coming to Vasse PS for our Kindy - Year 5 Students. 2 x 50 mins Sessions starts at 10 am Kindy - Year 2 Concert • 11:45 am Years 3 - 5 Performance Cost: $6 per student Direct Credit to Vasse PS BSB 633-000 • Acct [...]

VPS Faction Cross Country Yr 1 – Yr 6

Students from Years 1 to 6 are competing in the Faction Carnival Cross Country event. The top 6 runners in years 3 – 6 will be selected for the VPS [...]

Incursion: Musica Viva

Musica Viva comes to Vasse annually and this year the ensemble is called “Timmy and the Breakfast Band”. They have a great show and “Timmy” is a skilled circus performer [...]

Walk or Ride To School Day

Parents and students are encouraged to participate in our once-a-term Walk or Ride to School Day’ proudly initiated by the City of Busselton (COB) in 2019. A school staff member [...]