Specialist Learning Areas
Interm Swimming Group 2 (PP – Yr 3) – Week 1 of 2
Week 1 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins before lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) for [...]
Interm Swimming Group 2 (PP – Yr 3) – Week 2 of 2
Week 1 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins prior to lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) [...]
SWaTutti Choir Excursion 2-day
The choir students at Vasse have been learning songs to sing in parts and unison, accompanied by Auslan, English, Noongar, and Zulu languages. Thursday 5th September Bus departs Vasse Primary [...]
R U Ok? Day
We will acknowledge the day with a walk and talk to some cool tunes being pumped out while we walk around oval. There will also be some class activities just to check in for R U Ok Day.
Interschool Cross Country Championship
This year will be in Dunsborough. GO TEAM VASSE!
VPS Athletics Carnival Day
The Faction Sports Carnival Day is always a highlight of the year for students, staff, and the whole school community. Approx Times 9 am Opening Parade 9:15 am Year 1 [...]