Mabo Day – 30th Anniversary
Mabo Day commemorates Torres Strait Islander Eddie Koiki Mabo and his role in overturning the “terra nullius” declaration - which claimed that Australia was once land belonging to no-one. To [...]
Mabo Day commemorates Torres Strait Islander Eddie Koiki Mabo and his role in overturning the “terra nullius” declaration - which claimed that Australia was once land belonging to no-one. To [...]
A week of events lined up by our Koolbardi Team for the whole school community. 8:50 - 9:30am - Whole School Assembly Online with Special Guests - Cape Naturaliste College [...]
This week we celebrate NAIDOC. 8:50am - The day will begin with an online Whole School Assembly to open NAIDOC Week. Hosted by the Student Councillors with Special Guests in [...]
Selected students from Years 5 and 6 Wardandi elders welcome you to "Truth Telling" gathering, reflecting on the day the Wonnerup massacre that began 182 years ago. Guest speakers will [...]
National Sorry Day is a significant day for all Australians, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities across the nation. National Sorry Day marks the anniversary of the [...]
On Friday 2nd June 2023 (Mabo Day), Vasse PS students are invited along with West Busselton students and their AIEO to attend the Reconciliation Walk held in Busselton. The walk [...]
Mabo Day is marked annually on 3 June. It commemorates Mer Island man Eddie Koiki Mabo and his successful efforts to overturn the legal fiction of terra nullius, or ‘land belonging [...]
We are so lucky to have this excellent incursion coming to Vasse PS for our Kindy - Year 5 Students. 2 x 50 mins Sessions starts at 10 am Kindy [...]
Selected Years 5 and 6 students from West Busselton and Vasse will walk along Queen Street to Mitchell Park where they will listen to historical recounts from local Aboriginal Elders. They will then have recess before returning to school. Please note that the historical content can sometimes be confronting so please check in with your [...]