Vasse Fathering Project Remembrance Camp-Out
For more information and to book now
For more information and to book now
All welcome to another great opportunity to meet other parents, enjoy a glass of local wine and food and hold our final meeting for the year whilst supporting a local business. Details are as follows. Date: Monday 21st November 2022 Time: 6pm social hour. 7pm Meeting Place: Lentedal Wines, 571 Vasse-Yallingup Siding Road, Marybrook RSVP [...]
The Year 6 Graduation is a major annual event, celebrating our students journey's end at Vasse Primary School as they move onto High School. 6pm - 7:30pm Graduation Ceremony 7:30am - 9pm Graduation Dance A fitting celebration for all our Year 6's to wish them all the very best for their future.
Selected students from Years 5 and 6 Wardandi elders welcome you to "Truth Telling" gathering, reflecting on the day the Wonnerup massacre that began 182 years ago. Guest speakers will share stories of Wardandi's history, in a peaceful walk down Queen street, Busselton.
Constable Care will be at Vasse PS for a day of fun, educational and engaging puppet shows for our PP - Year 2 kids. Our puppet shows and live interactive performances deliver engaging safety education to children in West Australian primary schools and in the community. Constable Care Foundation entertains and educates more than 130,000 [...]
Dads and father figures, Come along with the kids (Kindy - Yr6) and enjoy an evening of fathering fun. Learn to PLAY THE BEATS IN the Percussion Drum workshop with Scott Pearce. Paper Plane making. Awesome Prizes for three different plane categories (Distance, accuracy, airtime). And Dads compete for the longest distance. Learn to Plait [...]
Dads Only Bowling night!Thursday 9 March at Macca's - Vasse General Store Community Bowls6pm to 9pm.$10pp - includes Dinner, a drink and green fees (cash on the night).Come along, network and meet other Dads and Father figuresin your school community.
Parents and students are encouraged to participate in Term 1 supervised ‘Walk or Ride to School Day’ proudly initiated by the City of Busselton (COB). School staff will lead and supervise the walking groups to school. Supervised Walking bus Group 1 – Departs 8am from the Park at the end of Harbeck Dr, Kealy. Supervised [...]
Presented by the Vasse P&C, please come down to the Vasse School Oval for an evening to sit back, relax and let the children play while listening to live music amongst family and friends. Bring a rug and a picnic dinner or buy a delicious sausage sizzle and drink, supporting the 2024 Year 6 camp. [...]