School Whole

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Assembly – Whole School

Whole School Assembly hosted by Rooms 20 and 22. 8:55 am • Netball Courts (weather permitting). Parents welcome.  

PnC Meeting – All Welcome

No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C is an opportunity to help not only your child, but all the children of Vasse PS. [...]

MSP Photo Orders Close Today

Photo Orders placed after today will incur a $30 archive fee. Late orders can be placed at (You will need to provide your child's shootkey for security reasons)

R U Ok? Day

We will acknowledge the day with a walk and talk to some cool tunes being pumped out while we walk around oval. There will also be some class activities just [...]

Assembly – Whole School

Room 30 will host the Whole School Dojo Assembly. 8:55 am • Netball Courts (weather permitting). Parents welcome.  

VPS Athletics Carnival Day

The Faction Sports Carnival Day is always a highlight of the year for students, staff, and the whole school community. Approx Times 9 am Opening Parade 9:15 am Year 1 [...]