Assembly (T2 Wk 6) Year 3 & Year 4
Today is the Year 3/4 Assembly which will be held in the Hive and will start at 8:50am. Parents are welcome to attend. We will also live stream for those [...]
Today is the Year 3/4 Assembly which will be held in the Hive and will start at 8:50am. Parents are welcome to attend. We will also live stream for those [...]
Attention Year 4 students!! Year 4 Disco!! Please book your tickets before 6pm on the 4th August. Online booking only. Tickets $13 per student
Today is the Year 3 and 4 Assembly which will be held in the Hive and will start at 8:50am. Parents are welcome to attend. We will also live stream for those who chose to link in from home. To link in use the ‘join the meeting’ link below – If you use your computer [...]
Suara Dance Incursion Where: The Hive @ Vasse PS When: Wednesday 26th October (T4 Wk3) Cost: $8 per student Cash or EFTPOS accepted. Direct Credit payments close Sun 23 Oct due to bank processing time. Account Name: Vasse Primary School • BSB: 633-000 • Account number: 182-526-996 Reference: Student Surname First Initial (Very Important) Timetable [...]
We look forward to seeing Parent/Carer's for this Special assembly in the Quad (weather permitting) or the Hive. 2022 Book Award Presentation Assembly Acknowledgement to Country National Anthem Year 3 - Year 6 Book Award Presentation Two Awards per classroom Principal Address. Year 6's perform their Graduation Song Year 6's depart Assembly for the last [...]
The following note and forms will be sent home with your child on Wednesday 1st February 2023. Please complete swimming and medical form and return to your Classroom teacher by [...]
The Vasse Primary School P&C Association Inc. is excited to be running our 2nd Colour Run Fundraiser for our Kindy Group A students after lunch on Monday 8th May 2023. Please go to and complete the CONSENT FORM and pay for your child to participate by Friday 5 May 2023. Cost to participate: $10 [...]
The Vasse Primary School P&C Association Inc. is excited to be running our 2nd Colour Run Fundraiser for our students after lunch on Friday 12th May 2023. Cost to participate: $10 per child. This includes a raffle ticket and an icy pole. You can also fundraise for more chances to win. Please go to [...]
We will be holding a Senior Assembly in the Hive (under cover area). Room 29 and Room 31 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
We will be holding a Senior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Room 27 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.