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Nit Week FREE Icypole Reward Day – P&C

The Parents/Carers who have completed the online form by 9 pm Friday 16 August for students to receive a token from their teacher today, Monday 19 August. During the lunch [...]

Year 4 – P&C Glow in the Dark Disco

Glow up and dance the night away! Another amazing event in the Hive for our Year 4 students, run by the Vasse P&C and volunteers. Tickets are on sale Friday [...]

Year 1 – P&C Glow in the Dark Disco

Glow up and dance the night away! Another amazing event in the Hive for our Year 1 students, run by the Vasse P&C and volunteers. Tickets are on sale Friday [...]

PnC Meeting – All Welcome

No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C is an opportunity to help not only your child, but all the children of Vasse PS. [...]

Year 2 – P&C Glow in the Dark Disco

Glow up and dance the night away! Another amazing event in the Hive for our Year 2 students, run by the Vasse P&C and volunteers. Tickets are on sale Friday [...]

Year 5 – P&C Glow in the Dark Disco

Glow up and dance the night away! Another amazing event in the Hive for our Year 5 students, run by the Vasse P&C and volunteers. Tickets are on sale Friday [...]

Canteen Day WA

Thanks a bunch, to Lexie Jennings, Shannon Jeffrey and Narelle Harris. The daily efforts of our canteen staff and the many volunteers who support our students and our school have been tremendous this year. We should remember to say please and thank you every day, but on Canteen Day, Friday 1 November, we will say [...]

PnC Meeting – All Welcome

Last meeting of the year! All welcome to come along and celebrate 2024. Date: Monday 18 November 2024 @ 5.30pm Place: Lentedal Winery 571 Vasse-Yallingup Siding Rd, Marybrook WA 6280. [...]

Nit Week starts today.

Week 5 of every term is Nit Week. Parents and carers, please check your child’s hair for Nits (head lice) and treat them during week 5. See https://www.vasseps.wa.edu.au/community/p-c/nit-week/ for more information. A link to an online NIT NOTE form will be sent to parents via Compass App News Feed, to be completed by the end [...]

Nit Week FREE Icypole Reward Day

The Parents/Carers who have completed the online Nit Note form for their child will receive a token from their teacher this morning. During the lunch break, students can swap their tokens with our P&C volunteers for a FREE icy pole in the Hive. Another great initiative by Vasse PS P&C Assoc.