PnC Easter Raffle Tickets Return Date
This is the last day to return your sold P&C Easter raffle tickets to the front office for a chance to Win in the Raffle Draw on 25th Mar.
This is the last day to return your sold P&C Easter raffle tickets to the front office for a chance to Win in the Raffle Draw on 25th Mar.
Vasse PS P&C Assoc Inc - Fundraiser event - loads of prizes. Funds raised go to the Early Childhood Program at Vasse PS.
Please join us for the Vasse PS P&C Annual General Meeting @ 6pm in the Staffroom. No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C [...]
Week 5 of every term is Nit Week. Parents/Guardians are expected to check their child’s hair for Nits (head lice) and treat them during week 5. See for more [...]
Week 5 of every term is Nit Week. Parents/Guardians are expected to check their child’s hair for Nits (head lice) and treat them during week 5. See for more information. Click the online NIT NOTE form link here (sent to parents via School Story Dojo on Mon 13 May), to complete by 12 pm [...]
Vasse Fathering Group Term 2 Event Reacquaint yourselves with the rugged coastline of the southwest and blow some Sunday cobwebs away. Meet at 9.30 am in the Meelup carpark for [...]
The Parents/Carers who have completed the online form by 9 pm Friday 17 May for students to receive a token from their teacher today, Monday 20 May. During the lunch [...]
Dear whole school community, The P&C is requesting your input for the 2024 Priority List. What is the Priority List? The priority list is essentially a “wish list” of items [...]
No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C is an opportunity to help not only your child, but all the children of Vasse PS. [...]
If you have any free time on the 16th of June we would love some help with a few jobs around the school. Many hands make light work