PnC Easter Raffle Tickets Return Date
This is the last day to return your sold P&C Easter raffle tickets to the front office for a chance to Win in the Raffle Draw on 25th Mar.
This is the last day to return your sold P&C Easter raffle tickets to the front office for a chance to Win in the Raffle Draw on 25th Mar.
Vasse PS P&C Assoc Inc - Fundraiser event - loads of prizes. Funds raised go to the Early Childhood Program at Vasse PS.
Please join us for the Vasse PS P&C Annual General Meeting @ 6pm in the Staffroom. No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C is an opportunity to help not only your child, but all the children of Vasse PS. Please email Alana on for more information. New [...]
Week 5 of every term is Nit Week. Parents/Guardians are expected to check their child’s hair for Nits (head lice) and treat them during week 5. See for more [...]
Week 5 of every term is Nit Week. Parents/Guardians are expected to check their child’s hair for Nits (head lice) and treat them during week 5. See for more [...]
Vasse Fathering Group Term 2 Event Reacquaint yourselves with the rugged coastline of the southwest and blow some Sunday cobwebs away. Meet at 9.30 am in the Meelup carpark for a quick breakfast burrito and some warm-up lunges before a bus picks up at 10 am to take those with longer legs to Bunker Bay [...]
The Parents/Carers who have completed the online form by 9 pm Friday 17 May for students to receive a token from their teacher today, Monday 20 May. During the lunch break, students can swap their tokens for a FREE icypole in the Hive.
Dear whole school community, The P&C is requesting your input for the 2024 Priority List. What is the Priority List? The priority list is essentially a “wish list” of items you would like to see purchased or installed to improve our school. Items on the priority list can include resources such as play equipment, sports [...]
No matter how busy our lives may be, remember being involved in the P&C is an opportunity to help not only your child, but all the children of Vasse PS. Our P&C achieves great things. Feel free to attend a meeting in the VPS Staffroom, and experience what we are all about, hear about the [...]
If you have any free time on the 16th of June we would love some help with a few jobs around the school. Many hands make light work