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Incursion: RugbyWA Wallabies Visit

The Wallabies are playing South Africa on August 17th at Optus Stadium in Perth. As a result of this international game, RugbyWA is hosting a series of events in the [...]

SWaTutti Choir Excursion 2-day

The choir students at Vasse have been learning songs to sing in parts and unison, accompanied by Auslan, English, Noongar, and Zulu languages. Thursday 5th September Bus departs Vasse Primary [...]

Incursion: Kindy A – Better Beginnings Library Program

Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green [...]

Incursion: Kindy B – Better Beginnings Library Program

Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green library bag An information booklet for parents / caregivers about books and reading.