Excursion: Rm 1 – CNC Year 6 Transition Day
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
Cape Naturaliste College Transition Day for Year 6's
The science incursion that has been booked and Covid-postponed for the past two years is finally able to visit us from the Eastern States. Richard Scholes is a magician, entertainer, teacher and comedian. This science show is huge fun, exciting and theatrical! The cost is $5 per student. 3 x 1 hour long Sessions start [...]
Celebrate Indonesian Day in LOTE today! Bu Tucker will be wearing her Indonesian costume, playing games and cooking in the classroom to celebrate Indonesian Independence. Sampai Jumpa
Gloucester Park - Behind Margaret River Recreation Centre, Walcliffe Road. GO TEAM VASSE!
Suara Dance Incursion Where: The Hive @ Vasse PS When: Wednesday 26th October (T4 Wk3) Cost: $8 per student Cash or EFTPOS accepted. Direct Credit payments close Sun 23 Oct due to bank processing time. Account Name: Vasse Primary School • BSB: 633-000 • Account number: 182-526-996 Reference: Student Surname First Initial (Very Important) Timetable [...]
A Veteran Car is simply a car that was built before the First World War (up to 1918). See an amazing display of vehicles from the Veteran & Classic Car Club of W.A. on the oval. Students are invited to vote for their favourite car and costume!
Constable Care will be at Vasse PS for a day of fun, educational and engaging puppet shows for our PP - Year 2 kids. Our puppet shows and live interactive [...]
This term in Science we have been learning about living things (plants & animals) and what they need to survive. This excursion will give students a real life experience of [...]
This term in Science we have been learning about living things (plants & animals) and what they need to survive. This excursion will give students a real life experience of [...]