Assembly – Junior (PP-Yr 2)
We will be holding a Junior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Room 12 and Room 14 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
We will be holding a Junior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Room 12 and Room 14 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
We will hold a Junior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Room 22 and Room 24 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
We will be holding a Junior Assembly in the Hive (undercover area). Room 25 and Room 26 will be hosting. Parents are welcome to attend.
Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green [...]
Better Beginnings provides every Kindergarten aged child with a free reading pack. Your reading pack includes: A beautiful Australian children’s book A fun activity to accompany the book A green [...]
The Vasse Kindy Transition Program will be conducted over 2 days and will provide an opportunity for you and your child to experience Kindergarten, and meet our teachers and support staff, ensuring a smooth transition into Kindy at Vasse PS in 2024. Session 1: Rooms 16A & 17A for 2024 Kindy 9 - 9:30 am [...]
The Vasse Kindy Transition Program will be conducted over 2 days and will provide an opportunity for you and your child to experience Kindergarten, and meet our teachers and support staff, ensuring a smooth transition into Kindy at Vasse PS in 2024. Session 1: Rooms 16A & 17A for 2024 Kindy 9 - 10 am [...]
We look forward to seeing Parents/Carers at this Special end-of-year Assembly in the Hive. Students are to wear their black and white school shirts, or dress. 2023 Book Award Presentation Assembly Welcome and National Anthem Pre Primary - Year 2 Book Award Presentation. Two Awards per classroom Principal Address. Year 6's perform their Graduation Song. [...]
Dear Parents/Guardians As part of the Vasse Primary Physical Education program, all students will participate in the Waterslide ‘Fun’ event to complete the year. Please Note: Classes are moving today [...]
T2 Week 1