Assembly – Year 3/4 – Rm 29
9am • The Hive (undercover area). Parents welcome.
9am • The Hive (undercover area). Parents welcome.
9am • The Hive (undercover area). Parents welcome.
9am • Netball Courts (behind Heritage Room). Parents welcome. DOJO Mega Draw.
We have no covid cases at our school to date but due to the whole state directive sent out by the Dept of Education on Friday afternoon, we will limit the size of school gatherings. Therefore, Monday’s whole school assembly will be our first virtual event. Students will remain in their classrooms and Parents can [...]
Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing to follow the Health Department’s guidelines for schools. Today we will be hosting our second online virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams and due to [...]
Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing to follow the Health Department’s guidelines for schools. Today we will be hosting our online virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams and due to the [...]
Dear Parents, Thank you for continuing to follow the Health Department’s guidelines for schools. Today we will be hosting our online virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams and due to the current restrictions, Parents are unable to attend assemblies until further notice. This week will be Year 3 Merit Awards. Instructions to link in from home [...]
Today we will be hosting our online virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams and due to the current restrictions, Parents are unable to attend assemblies until further notice. This week will be Year 5 Merit Awards. Instructions to link in from home To link in use the ‘join the meeting’ link below – If you use [...]
Today we will be hosting our online virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams and due to the current restrictions, Parents are unable to attend assemblies until further notice. This week will be Pre Primary Merit Awards. Instructions to link in from home To link in use the ‘join the meeting’ link below – If you use [...]
Today we will be hosting our online virtual assembly using Microsoft Teams and due to the current restrictions, Parents are unable to attend assemblies until further notice. This week will be Year 2 Merit Awards. Instructions to link in from home To link in use the ‘join the meeting’ link below – If you use [...]