Interm Swimming Group 2 (PP – Yr 3) – Week 2 of 2
Week 1 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins prior to lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) [...]
Week 1 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins prior to lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) [...]
The choir students at Vasse have been learning songs to sing in parts and unison, accompanied by Auslan, English, Noongar, and Zulu languages. Thursday 5th September Bus departs Vasse Primary at 8.30 am. Please be here 10 minutes before. Bus arrives Vasse Primary at 3.30 pm. The choir will attend a workshop with the five [...]
This program will help students build their fitness as well as knowledge of simple bike safety, maintenance, and riding skills leading up to the 2024 School Camp. Each student will [...]