Interm Swimming Group 1 (PP – Yr 3) – Week 2 of 2
Week 2 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins prior to lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) [...]
Week 2 of the 2-week Interm Swimming Program PP - Year 3 Students will travel by bus (leaving 20 mins prior to lesson start) to the Geographe Leisure Centre (GLC) [...]
This program will help students build their fitness as well as knowledge of simple bike safety, maintenance, and riding skills leading up to the 2023 School Camp. There will be 3 rotational activities over the 3-week program. Each student will need their own bike (in good working order and safe) and their own bike helmet, [...]