We all know head lice in schools can be a real problem. In 2016 the VPS P&C Association commenced the very successful Nit Week initiative which has dramatically reduced the incidence of head lice in our school. Nit Week is Week 5 of every school term.

Nit Week tackles nits as a whole school group. With all families checking, and where necessary, treating our children at the same time we help minimise the spread of nits throughout the school.Nit Week 1

• Check all your children – even if you don’t think they have nits.
• Treat your child if nits are found. *Conditioner works really well (method below).
• Comb out all the nits and eggs.
• Repeat this process in 7 days if nits are found.

Parents/Guardians are expected to check their child’s hair for Nits and treat during Week 5.

A link to an Online Nit Note form will be sent to parents via DOJO (School Story) to complete by the end of Week 5. The form will close 12 noon Saturday (Week 5) so please fill out at your earliest convenience. Nit notes will not be accepted after cut-off.

  1. The Parent/Guardian must complete the online form.
  2. Tokens will be delivered to the Classroom on Nit Note Reward Day (first day of Week 6).
  3. Before lunch classroom staff will hand out tokens to students from the list.
  4. At lunch on ‘Reward’ day, students can head to the Hive to swap their token for a free icy pole.

The wet combing method is a cheap and effective way to treat head lice. The conditioner doesn’t kill the lice but it briefly stuns them, making it easier for the nit comb to trap and remove the lice and eggs. If you decide to use chemical treatment, it is important that you follow the instructions closely.

Source: HealthDirect