Busselton Jetty Beach Clean-up Saturday 15 Oct

Busselton Jetty Beach Clean-Up Saturday 15 Oct 1


Busselton Jetty Inc (BJI) is passionate about keeping our oceans litter free and is thrilled with the combined local efforts planned for the Tangaroa Blue Annual WA Beach Clean Up in 2022.

Busselton Jetty Crew Youth Leaders, Busselton Senior High School, Cornerstone Christian College and Vasse Primary School will all be running clean up events between Friday 14th October and Monday 17th October 2022, which will see the majority of beach area from Busselton Jetty to Abbey Boat Ramp cleaned of debris that would otherwise end up in our oceans. This will form part of the annual Tangaroa Blue Beach Cleanup Event.

Tangaroa Blue Foundation is an Australia-wide not for profit organisation dedicated to the removal and prevention of marine debris. The data collected through the various clean-ups will assist The Australian Marine Debris Initiative (AMDI) to work on solutions to help stop the flow of litter at the source by analyzing and documenting the different types of debris that is found on our local beaches.

BJI Marine Scientist, Sophie Teede said marine debris is one of the biggest environmental issues affecting oceans and marine life today.

“Up to 40,000 pieces of plastic are estimated to float in every square kilometre of our oceans. 800 Marine pecies worldwide, including 77 Australian species are impacted by debris, confirming that the beach clean-up days are essential to the health of marine life and oceans.” Sophie says.

“It is wonderful to see the commitment from local schools and community groups working together to help clean up the beaches and keep our corner of Australia beautiful.” She said.

Casey Woodward from Tangaroa Blue will be able to combine data from all the various groups to see the total amount of debris removed from Busselton beaches over the four days. 

The BJI Jetty Crew Youth Leadership Program event is on Saturday the 15th October from 10.00am, and open to members of the public to participate. The Jetty Crew are a group of passionate young future leaders that deeply care about the health of our oceans and the health of our community.

Please register your interest in attending this year’s event at admin@busseltonjetty.com.au and come along to support the BJI Jetty Crew.