On Thursday 22 Feb, the Vasse PS Year 6 Student Leaders and a few selected students joined West Busselton Primary School students to attend the local Truth-Telling Gathering. We listened to local Wardandi Elder Bill Webb and friends tell the history of the local Wardandi Mob, bringing light to the events that occurred in the Wonnerup area.
Historian Mary Blight spoke at the ‘Truth-Telling Gathering’, sharing her research findings on the history of the Wardandi people. We learned from other speakers about the past management of the natural resources in the local area and how European settlers affected the lands.
Our student’s reflections on the day were:
We went to an oval and people went up onto a stage and different people gave speeches about Aboriginal Culture. Issy and Eva
A chili that makes your tongue stain blue. We learned that some indigenous Men fought in the War. Aliviah and Laycee
When some settlers came and ruled over, they’d only kill the men and spare the women for some reason. Henry and Noah
There are plants that taste like chili and onions. Poppy and Jasmine
We went to Mitchell Park to learn about Aboriginal past and future! We also learnt about an interesting food that tastes a little bit chili but stains your tongue blue! Ava and Tanami
They talked about the massacre. We went to Mitchell Park. They told us about plants. Evie, Ari and Noah
We went to Mitchell Park to learn more about the Aboriginal history. We also learnt about Aboriginal foods and what they do to the environment. Ben and Kobi