On Tuesday 30 May, we had the fantastic Megan and Aoife from WasteSorted come to help us host a Professional Development Workshop on waste management in schools. We looked specifically at how to do a waste audit, with help from the resources provided by the Shire of Busselton. We discussed how other schools have been having success with composting, some diverting up to 72% of their total school waste from landfill!
We got our hands dirty in the garden putting in a compost cone and learning about the ingredients we need for compost; carbon (dry matter) and nitrogen (wet matter) with a balance of air, water, and heat.
We also made some plant food out of worm castings and weeds.
It was a great day and left us feeling inspired to introduce a composting system into the garden to help with the items our worms can’t eat. Miss Clark – Sustainability Team