On Friday, 6th December, we celebrated our 120 graduating Year 6 students with an official ceremony, in front of family and friends, local dignitaries, and guest presenters.
Deputy Principal Simon Mansfield opened the ceremony in the Quad and invited the audience to welcome our latest graduates, as they strolled over to the red carpet to our new stage area in the Quad on a balmy evening. They walked with pride, dressed to impress, befitting this Year 6 cohort ready to start the next phase of their life in high school next year.
Our 2024 Students Councillors; Franki, Noah, and Eva hosted the formal proceedings with confidence. Kobi, our fourth Student Councillor was absent on the night.
We would firstly like to say a huge thank you to our sponsors, presenters and special guests for their generous contributions to this year’s Graduation. We greatly appreciate the following businesses for their continued support.
Honorable Nola Marino MP | Mr Ted Callow and Mrs Liz Callow (Callows Office Choice) |
Xavier Garbin (Dr Steve Thomas MLC) | Mrs Annie Merton (Lions Club of Busselton) |
Mr Barry House AM (Ms Libby Mettam MLA) | Mr Neil MacDonald (Vasse & Districts Community Centre) |
Cr Anne Ryan (City of Busselton) | Mr David Bower (Rotary Club of Busselton-Geographe Bay) |
Ms Dale Miller (Cape Naturaliste College) | Mr Howard Bunt (Masonic Lodge) |
Mr Lyndon Miles (Vasse PS P&C Assoc) | Mr Malcolm Jennings Esq. (EdConnect) |

Congratulations to all our Award Recipients and all our Year 6 Graduates – you have made us all very proud at Vasse PS and we wish you all the very best in your journey to adulthood.

Inquiry Awards (4): Olivia M, Bailee H, Charlotte H, Harrison S
Presented by Mr. Alex Cameron and the Year 6 Teachers
Sponsored by Callows Office Choice.
Visual Art Award: Eban W
Presented by Mr. Barry House AM and Ms. Rebecca Larkin, Art Specialist.
Sponsored by the office of Ms. Libby Mettam MLA.
Music Award: Summer C
Presented by Councillor Anne Ryan and Mrs Karen Bigwood, Music Specialist.
Sponsored by the City of Busselton.
Kaartdijin Award: Aliviah W
Presented by Councillor Anne Ryan and Mrs. Sherrie Zacher, Koolbardi Committee.
Sponsored by the City of Busselton.

Science Awards (2): Ayla M, Hamist W
Presented by the Hon. Nola Marino and Mr. Ian Ferguson, Science Specialist.
Sponsored by the office of the Honourable Nola Marino MP and by the office of The Honourable Jackie Jarvis MLC.
LOTE* (Indonesian) Award: Charlotte F
Presented by Mr. Xavier Garbin, and Ibu Jackie Drake, Indonesian Specialist.
Sponsored by the office of the Honourable Dr. Steven Thomas MLC.

Former Student Address by Miss Emily Toner
2018 Year 6 Graduates Vasse Primary School

Sportsperson Awards (2): Ari S, Lyla W
Presented by Mr. David Bower and Mrs. Nadia Farmer, Physical Ed. Specialist.
Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Busselton-Geographe Bay.
Naturaliste Masonic Lodge Outstanding Progress Scholarship: Toby W
Presented by Mr. Howard Bunt, Mrs. Elly Bunt and Mrs. Candice Duff
Sponsored by Naturaliste Masonic Lodge.

Lions Club of Busselton Consistent Achievement Scholarships (2): Sofia C, Ebony D
Presented by Mrs. Annie Merton, Mrs. Candice Duff and Mr. Matt Vardanega.
Sponsored by the Lions Club of Busselton.
The Cape Naturaliste College Scholarships (2): Mathew C, Ben W
Presented by Ms. Dale Miller (CNC Principal) and Mr. Matt Vardanega.
Sponsored by Cape Naturaliste College.
Citizenship Awards (2): Myah S, Eban W
Presented by Mr. Neil MacDonald, Miss Zoe Braybrooke and Mrs. Candice Duff.
Sponsored by the Vasse & Districts Community Centre and Vasse Estate.

Dux Award: Hamish W
Presented by Mr. Lyndon Miles, P&C President and Mr. Alex Cameron
Sponsored by Vasse Primary School Parents & Citizens Assoc. Inc.

Class Book Awards: Evelyn C, Luke T, Ashlyn B, Harry L, Summer C, Brodie D, Brodie J, Franki C
Presented by the Year 6 Staff: Miss Zoe Braybrooke, Mrs. Sherrie Zacher, Mrs. Candice Duff, Mr. Matt Vardanega. Sponsored by Vasse Primary School.

Graduation Book Presentation
Presented by Principal – Mr. Alex Cameron, Mrs. Tracey Bruse, Ms. Stephanie Millen and Year 6 Staff.

And thank you to the Year 6 parents who transformed the Hive into a beautiful enchanted garden for the Graduation Dance. Each year the effort put in by the school community is amazing.